March 1, 2009

More Memories of Tones

Toni and Valentina, November 2006.

I got an email from the Sentinel saying that today would be the last day to view the online "Guestbook" for Toni's obituary, so I copied and pasted the comments here. I love reading everyone's thoughts, memories, and notes about our wonderful Toni. Please feel free to continue to share your memories on the blog.

From Bonnie Blair:
They say that every individual’s core being is defined by five pivoting moments in a person’s lifetime. Meeting Toni was one of those pivots for me. And the story went something like this…I was 22 years old when I met Toni. That was pre-Dan Miller and Pre-Pearl Street. As I walked in to my first day on the job at Reynolds Securities, Toni was headed out the door. She smiled and said Hi, you new here? What’s your name? Bonnie (She of course immediately re-named me Bonn’s) Well Bonn’s…You want to go have a Cig? From that moment on…it was Bonn’s and Tone’s. We both drove red VW’S, smoked as she would say…“Cigs”, and both loved to Laugh…at just about everything. It wasn’t long before we were room mates- living at 211 ½ Mountain Avenue. Two single brunette’s in our 20’s…living in Santa Cruz. The house was Pink, with Lavender Vines growing over the fence. We planted big headed Yellow Sun Flower plants and life was sweet. Our V.W. Bugs flew in and out of that little story book house, from the small back alley! Weekends were spent – loading our “Surf Riders” into the 1965 dusty rose convertible VW bug. Toni taught about the important things in life. You have to laugh at yourself. She taught me that you couldn’t claim to be a real “Surf Rider” unless you owned a blue and red matt. We made a pack that we would always see the sun set near the beach. So as it started to get dusk no matter where we were…we would race to get to the light house and watch the sun go down. Our single days came to an end in that house. Toni would spend the rest of her life with the man we all know as “Dan’s”. The last time I talked to Toni and asked how she was …she responded in the voice that we all knew and loved…that Kentucky drawl…she saidWell Bonn’s…You know…my life is good. I’ve got Dan’s and I’ve got the BoardWalk and I go to the Ocean almost every night … what more could I ask for. The best parts of me…came from knowing Toni. I am sure that many of you feel the same way. She is by far the most beautiful person I have ever known. I miss her terribly. But when I think of her, I can’t help but smile. I am filled with so many great memories like her famous Dance Routine…to “Beast Of Burden” by the Rolling Stones. But I continue to feel Toni in every bird, every small straggly dog, and every time I laugh at myself.I know when I meet her again it will be like our first meeting. I will be greeted with the same big beautiful warm and loving smile. And I can almost hear her saying……

“Hey Bonn’s”!

February 10, 2009
Toni and I were kindred spirits and we just "got" each other. I suspect I am not the only person who knew her that feels this way. I met Toni when I came to work for ORTC in 1998. I didn't know anything about the job and w/o her help, guidance and laughs I probably wouldn't have lasted very long. Personally, she was always there when I needed her and helped me in so many ways I can't count them all. Her warm, loving heart and infectious laugh will stay with me until it is my time to go. My heartfelt condolences go out to her family. I know how much you all loved and cherished her as she did you. I just want her to know that I loved her and I always will. My prayers are with you. God Bless.

~ Mary Van Vliet,
Formerly of Santa Cruz, California

February 06, 2009
My sweet and loving friend, Tone... You walked the talk about what is most important in life - love, integrity, and humor. I'll cherish the memories of the past 45 years and smile whenever I think of you. Until we meet again...

~ Jackie Costanzo,
Campbell, California

February 06, 2009
I keep hearing Toni's voice, that great lilt in it. You could hear her smile without needing to see it. I know it's a small thing, and I hesitate to even mention it, but I have a Christmas ornament she gave me many years ago, a walnut painted like a strawberry, with felt on top for the leaves. I liked it so much that I copied it and gave them as presents the following year. It seems incomprehensible that this sweet, humble object has outlasted its maker. I will think of Toni with love each year (and certainly in between!) when I place it on the tree. I will miss you.

~ Melinda Kralj,
Santa Cruz

February 06, 2009
So many memories...One that I think of was Toni's request for a portrait painting of her and her sisters - over 20 years ago, was my first multiple portrait painting, and so fun to paint! Dan, you and Toni have been so wonderfully supportive of me over the years. Although I didn't see as much of Tones lately, she has always had a special place in my heart because of her kindness and support, and yes, especially when it came to children. Always accepting and sweet natured to all children. Tones you will be greatly missed but always remembered in our hearts.

~ barbara bailey-porter,

February 06, 2009
Tones De La Tona! There is, and will only be, one of this kind! I remember Toni as an auntie and mom to many. She loved children, little dogs, and, of course, her birds. I remember the first time I visited Pearl St and heard the ruckus in the kitchen. She loved her cockateels! She loved the Boardwalk, but I'm sure part of the allure of that neighborhood was the Surf Bowl! I love you, Tones. You are truly a friend to many and a gift to all.
Love and Peace, Turk

~ Turk Dess,

Dan, I am so sorry to hear the shocking news. I will always remember how you and Toni opened your home and your lives to Dianna and I when we first moved to Santa Cruz.
I will keep her and you in my prayers.
Toni was always so supportive of her friends, and I feel blessed to have known her.

~ Mary Foley (Rowley),
Citrus Heights, California

February 06, 2009
When Mary and I first arrived in Santa Cruz we stayed with Toni and Dan, and that is when I got to first know Toni. Later we worked together for many years waiting tables and had many laughs and good times, both on and off the job. Though our paths went different ways I saw her here and there throughout the years and we always caught up with great conversation and laughs. She would always tell me about her family of whom she loved and was very proud. One story that really stands out for me, way back in the early years my 10 year old dog Levi needed to be put to sleep. I was very upset and the thought of having to do it was very difficult. Toni offered to come over and go with me to take him in to the vets. On the way over she suggested we stop and get him a couple of cheeseburgers, which we did. I still tell that story to people… Anyway, I have many warm memories of good times past with Toni and will keep those in my heart.

My condolences to all her close family and friends. May the memories of good times had with her ease your pain in this hard time.

Kelly, it was wonderful to see the pictures on your blog, thanks for posting those.

~ Dianna Beardslee

January 30, 2009
toni was my first friend when i moved to saratoga from southern california. born one month apart, we were 9 and a half when we met in the summer before 5th grade. toni always made me laugh. i'm so thankful that we spent my 60th birthday together with other old friends. she will always be a part of my heart and history.

~ gwynn clark

January 30, 2009
Shawn O"leary and Arthur Alexander

January 30, 2009
Thank you for being such a kind, loyal, sweet and fun friend to me. I will always remember all of your funny expressions and how much we laughed together. Rest in peace my dear friend.

~ Sue Meachen,
Santa Cruz, California

January 30, 2009
Toni was a wonderful friend and coworker. Dan, if you need our help, come on by.
Karen and Art
~ Karen Freitas

January 31, 2009

Love you, Tones!

Ever since I heard the shocking news of my Aunt Toni’s passing on Tuesday, I’ve been filled with memories of her wonderful, constant and loving presence in my life. Toni was always there for me, encouraging me, supporting me, and loving me. She always made me laugh – there was nothing better than sharing a good laugh with Toni! (“What a riot!” she’d always say.) As Dan says, Toni was a great friend to have. Her curious nature and easy going personality always made me think that there are no strangers in Toni’s world; just friends she hadn’t met yet. She had a gift for making people feel loved, welcomed, and fortunate to be part of her family or intimate circle. She always saw the very best in everyone.

I have years of memories of Auntie Tones at our house on Logan Street, Castle Beach, the annual Fairs of Santa Cruz (both Spring and County), all those 70's shag haircuts she gave me, Harvey West, tooling around town in the backseat of her red VW bug (I still remember the great smell of that car), Pearl Street…How many birds did Toni and Dan have on Pearl? I remember the day Jake flew off of Toni’s head as she stepped out their back door. Poor Toni chased her beloved bird down the street, but he didn’t come back. Years later, Mauricio and I went to our local bird store in San Francisco. I wanted a cockatiel just like Toni’s Jake. Somehow we walked out of there with a parrot. I remember how excited Toni was for us saying, “Ooh! You got a hook bill!”

I remember Toni’s love of music: The Beatles, Buddy Holly, The Rolling Stones, Roy Orbison, Carole King, and of course, The King – Elvis. Toni always had so much love for us. I always felt her encouragement and support growing up. Carrie and I used to choreograph dances and put on shows for the family, where Toni was always front and center. I remember Toni getting a particular charge out of us “doin’ the time warp” to our well-worn Rocky Horror Picture Show soundtrack record.

When I was at Santa Cruz High I wanted to continue taking Spanish classes, but due to a schedule conflict I opted to take an early morning X period class at Harbor High. I would get up early and ride my bike to class, which was fine in the fall, but as soon as winter set in, riding in the cold, pre-dawn darkness wasn’t much fun. My mom worked early mornings, so she couldn’t give me a ride to school. Toni offered to do it. She lived around the corner from us, so every morning I would walk over to her house, knock softly on her bedroom window, and she would get out of bed to take me to class before she even got ready for work herself. I was always so, so grateful to her for doing this for me. And it wasn’t until this week that I realized that if Toni hadn’t done this, who knows? I may not have gone on to major in Spanish in college. I wouldn’t have studied abroad in Costa Rica. I wouldn’t have met and married Mauricio. And we wouldn’t have little V! So, thank you Auntie Tones for all those early morning rides! Valentina thanks you too!! And to use one of 3-year old Valentina’s favorite phrases, I miss you all the time, Tones. We are all going to miss you like crazy.

I've always loved this photo of Toni and me. Must have been 1969.

My mom and Toni in January 1970.

Uncle Dan and Toni enjoying a laugh in 1974.

Toni and Dan going somewhere fancy in 1974.

The four sisters: Toni, Catherine, Jan & Cathy in 1975.

My mom and Toni in Hawaii 1977.

Hawaiian babe. 1977.

Toni looking very cool and beautiful on a Hawaiian lanai in 1977.

Another favorite photo of Toni.

The sisters with Grandma Nina in 1982.

Toni, Cathy, and Jan in 1984.

Auntie Tones on her wedding day with her loving nieces Kelly, Robin, Carrie, and Tara.

Toni, Dan, and Jan.

Jan, John, and Tones on my mom & John's wedding day. 1990.

Dan and Tones 1992.

Jan, Grandma Nina, Cathy, Toni

Auntie T with Baby Valentina

V, Tones, Grumps, and Mau at Carrie's school's 2008 Halloween carnival.

Valentina and Tones sharing some cotton candy.